Lakeshore Park Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation whose mission is to manage, preserve, and enhance the Park and to build a community dedicated to conserving the Park for the future.
Cody Eason
Grounds & Facilities Manager
Justin Farmer
Grounds & Facilities Tech
Justin Carpenter
Grounds & Facilities Tech
Aaron Summerour
Grounds & Facilities Tech
Susan B. Haslam
Chairman and President
L. Caesar Stair III
Vice President
Thomas N. McAdams
Secretary and Treasurer
James A. Haslam III
Nadim Jubran
Mayor Indya Kincannon
John Osborne
Margaret Ritchie
Lee Ann Tolsma
Rick Zivi
We would love to have you visit Lakeshore Park! Take a look at trails and parking locations that are currently open to view your options and plan your visit.